Tag: science-fiction

  • The People Upstairs

    The People Upstairs

    There were two glass tubes on Cerebro’s desk. The one on the right rose all the way to the ceiling, and at its base was a small door with a little blue light above it. The tube on the left was much shorter, and whenever it’s small door opened up, a vacuum turned on and…

  • Lily and the Library

    Lily and the Library

    Lily Cadmire ran up the staircase of the Hilldrum County Library. It was a glimmering black spiral that rose all the way to the ceiling, and its metal steps rang out with joy as her red converse climbed to the very top. Just below the ceiling was a square, orange pillow and a quilted blanket…

  • Cinder


    Today we are looking at a futuristic retelling of a classic fairy tale. Don’t worry, whether or not you like the classic fairytales like Cinderella, Rapunzel, and Snow White, I think you’ll find this new series fascinating. Today we’re reviewing the first book in the Lunar Chronicles titled Cinder. What is Cinder you ask? Well,…

  • Dark Life

    Dark Life

    Today we’re looking at an exciting underwater sci-fi adventure called Dark Life, by Kat Falls. What is Dark Life, you ask? Well, I have an answer: it’s blurb time! Here’s the blurb that booksellers use to describe this book: Blurb Time “The oceans rose, swallowing the lowlands. Earthquakes shattered the continents, toppling entire regions into…